
[Book] Outliers

書名:Outliers: The Story of Success


不管是原文還是中譯本,書名都非常芭樂,如果作者不是 Malcolm Gladwell,我根本不會想看想買,更別說寫心得了。


作者對成功的定義: Success is the result of accumulative advantage, 用中文來講,成功 = 天時地利人和。當然,作者不是用「accumulative advantage」這個空洞的字眼來打發讀者。

從 The Matthew Effect、The 10000-Hour rule 開始,作者解譯為什麼職業曲棍球員的生日多在一到三月、Beatles 會在美國造成風潮、為何天生英才並不足恃,到最後,作者用他家族的例子作最後的總結。整體而言,這本書非常勵志,尤其是 10000-Hour rule, The Trouble with Geniuses 這兩部份,有志青年應該花點時間看看。


  • The systems we set up to determine who gets ahead aren't particularly efficient. (p. 31)


  • It was a story of how the outliers in a particular field reached their lofty status through a combination of ability, opportunity, and utterly arbitrary advantage. (p. 37)


  • Achievement is talent plus preparation. The problem with this view is that the closer psychologiests look at the careers of the gifted, the smaller the role innate talent seems to play and the bigger the role preparation seems to play. (p. 38)


  • The majority (of Termites) had careers that could only be considered ordinary, and a surprising number ended up with careers that even Terman considered failures. (p. 89)

    Terman 教授追縱 IQ 極端優異的人 (這群人叫 Termites) 長大成人後的表現,結論是大多數的 Termites「小時了了,大未必佳」。

  • There were only two parenting "philosophies". The wealthier parents raised their kids one way, and the poorer parents raised their kids another way. (p. 102)


  • Our ability to succeed at what we do is powerfully bound up with where we are from. (p. 209)
  • Being good at math may also be rooted in a group's culture. (p.231)

    作者認為亞洲小孩數學表現較好的根本原因之一在於文化,比方說,農業文化使得東方人在解題上更努力不懈(輸家總是早早放棄),還有東方人記錄數字的方式比較簡單,使得亞洲人在學習數學這件事上有天生的優勢(記住,Success is the result of accumulative advantage)。

  • You master mathematics if you are willing to try.
  • Marita just needed a chance (p.269).

    Marita 是個住在貧民區的單親家庭小孩,要幫助這類的人脫離天生的困苦環境,社會必須要提供一個機會(KIPP Program)給他們。這段話表達了很多意思;首先,社會上有能之士必須為弱勢的人著想,創造出一個供人翻身的體制,其二,弱勢的人必須認清現實,光靠著自身的努力是不夠的,還必須把握機會才能為自已在社會上掙得一席之地。
